Confession: I’m a foodie!

When it comes to travelling, there’s always one thing I am so excited about, and it’s not the famed landmarks of the place, but the FOOD!!!  To me, trying the local and bizarre cuisine is the best way to experience the culture, and usually comes with it are new people you get to meet!  And you don’t have to splurge to taste the best of the best… Because often times, people are led to believe that if it’s expensive, then it’s good… I would say this is not true in Europe… you really have to find the local places!  Although, last year, my friends and I did splurge a bit on the 9th best restaurant in the world in Paris (according to Acqua Panna and San Pelligrino) at Le Chateaubriand, although they did fall behind their rankings as of this year and are on number 15…

Anyway… since I only spent a layover in Paris, I did eat much, but for some escargots, foie gras and macarons, which I had to get from La Durée… When it comes to Parisian macarons, there’s only 2 places to go… Pierre Hermé and La Durée… sure, you can settle for one at a nearby pâtisserie… but its’ not the same… it’s not artfully done… long story short… choose one of these two Parisian Pâtisseries…

So Venice is very different, in comparison to other Italian cities, because of its location, being by the water… It’s not like Rome, or Florence, or Naples… so logically, the food is also different… lots of fresh sea food!